CCUG is a professional organization for CLETS users. We are committed to providing quality training related to CLETS systems, resources for members, and creating opportunities for CLETS users, staff (including DOJ, DMV) and vendors to exchange information.

The California CLETS Users Group is open to all law enforcement and criminal justice agencies. In 1983, with support from DOJ, users group was formed by people from various agencies using CLETS, following CLETS Advisory Board guidelines. The purpose of this group was to create a forum for law enforcement and criminal justice agencies to communicate to DOJ, provide CLETS training, news, and updates. This group, also served to provide a means for ideas, problems, and solutions to be funneled back for better policy management of CLETS.
There are training meetings in each of our three chapters – North, Central, South – conducted quarterly. In addition, CCUG hosts a Training & Technology Seminar that provides an opportunity to receive various training courses that may have been missed throughout the year, along with new training subjects to keep each year valuable for our membership. As this is a statewide function, this also provides the perfect forum for networking with your peers throughout the state, meet the Executive and Chapter board members, and voice any new ideas, trends, and issues related to CLETS.
CCUG is primarily made up of people who work in records, dispatch, training, and IT who work with CLETS or are responsible for the technical or training aspects related to CLETS. CCUG is comprised of both sworn and civilian, and our members are from all levels from new employees to experienced dispatchers, leads, trainers, and managers.
If your agency is not yet a member, please submit your application now to enjoy the benefits of CCUG Membership. At $125 per year ($150 effective July 1, 2024), everybody in your agency is a member. Click here to submit your membership now.
Corporate Exibitors:
Does your company have products or services our members may be interested in for their agencies? Click here to get information on being a corporate exhibitor.
Personal Exhibitors:
Does your company have products or services our members may be interested in personally? Click here to get information on being a personal exhibitor.